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April is Prevention of Cruelty To Animals Month

April is Prevention of Cruelty To Animals Month

Here at HuggleHounds®, we absolutely adore our furry friends. That's why April is a crucial month for us, and for all pet lovers alike.

The ASPCA first started commemorating April as Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month back in 2006. Although important work is done on these efforts year-round, and it's always important to discuss, April has become the designated month for the celebration of the protection of animals, and to raise more awareness to the subject.

Animal cruelty involves any form of pain inflicted to animals by a human. This may involve cruel reprimanding, forceful performances for entertainment, experimenting on animals, and the list goes on. 

Animal neglect is one of the more common types of animal abuse, and something that should be discussed to raise proper awareness. Due to the fact that neglect falls under the passive abuse category, it's vital to call out the signs and warnings to make everyone aware. Examples of neglect are malnutrition, failure to seek needed veterinary care, untreated/ prolonged infection, inadequate shelter, and so on.

At HuggleHounds®, we are passionate about the health of our pets, and all animals. Here are actions you may choose to take in order to participate in Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month this month:

  • Volunteer at your local animal shelter help with the daily tasks required for caring of the animals
  • Participate in a petition to raise awareness for the several types of animal abuse
  • Simply spread the word. Word-of-mouth is one of the most powerful forms of information sharing, as your loved ones and friends will be more susceptible to hearing your opinion on the topic

Let's all come together this month and stand up against animal cruelty. Animals walk this earth with us, therefore they deserve the same respect we give one another.

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