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Meet Boom Boom and The Sato Project

Meet Boom Boom and The Sato Project

In 2009, Chrissy Beckles rescued a big-eared pup from a horrific situation in a shelter in Arecibo, Puerto Rico named Boom Boom. Boom Boom was a one of hundreds of thousands mistreated and abandoned dogs in Puerto Rico, commonly referred to as satos (slang for street dog). This all stems from the stray dog crisis that PR is faced with as a result of years of a lack of spaying/neutering, leading to a never ending cycle of reproduction. That, with a combination of limited access to veterinary care and natural disasters, the amount of street dogs in PR is constantly growing. 

When Boom Boom Beckles sadly passed away in 2016, Chrissy made it her goal to rescue pups just like her beloved Boom Boom from similar situations. Chrissy soon launched the Boom Boom Fund and raised $10,000 to rescue 8 dogs in honor of what would have been Boom Boom’s 8th birthday- and that is where The Sato Project essentially began.

With great support and dedicated volunteers, The Sato Project has since been rescuing stray dogs from “Dead Dog Beach”, a dumping ground for unwanted dogs, and from local shelters where dogs have a 97% chance of being euthanized.

The Sato Project thrives off of the generosity of their supporters and HuggleHounds is honored to help carry on the memory of Boom Boom and raise awareness and funds for this amazing organization this year as a part of our HuggleCause program.

To join us in our support of their amazing efforts, purchase our Boom Boom Knottie here.

To learn more about The Sato Project visit their website here.

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